While it often goes without saying that prayer is an important part of what it means to follow Jesus, it seems there is still some value to saying it. Following the traditions of their Jewish sisters and brothers, early Christians established offices of prayer as a way to unite their spiritual practice with the rhythms of nature and with the broader body of believers. As our community moves through this moment of historical disquiet, we think re-connecting with these regular rhythms could be profoundly meaningful.
You can join in this time of prayer weekly on Wednesday mornings at 7:30am via Facebook Live. Until the weather is more predictably warm in the Spring, First Hour will gather online only. If you can't make the 7:30am time, you can always listen and join in later via the First Hour Prayer Community podcast!
We hope you will take advantage of this mid-week prayer gathering, as one way to stay connected to God and to one another this winter!
Find the gathering on our Facebook page via Facebook LIVE or via Podcast - simply search "First Hour Prayer Community" and subscribe to listen any time, or any place, that works for you
Jimmy Cochran is a newer member of our community, who felt called to begin this daily prayer community and will coordinate this ministry for us this summer.
Jimmy is a local husband, dad, and therapist who works with couples. He thinks prayer is neat and is passionate about cultivating inclusive, marginless communities. Also a big fan of ice cream.