Holy Week Prayer Vigil

As you enter into your hour of prayer, I'd invite you to gather your Bible, a journal or paper if writing is helpful for you, or other art supplies that might allow you to express and process as you move through the Stations of the Cross. Take some time to center yourself in this time and space. Invite God to move through this time, as you move with Jesus through the wilderness of his suffering. Ask God to open your heart to the Spirit's movement, so that through this journey into Christ's suffering you might come to feel God's presence strongly in your own. As we await the Good News discovered at the empty tomb on that first Easter Day, we first attend to what makes that news so good. When we enter into the wilderness, we come to realize the true gift of the one who leads us home. 

Station One |

Judas Betrays Jesus

Matthew 26:14-16


Jesus Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane

Matthew 26:36-41

Station Three | 

Peter Denies Christ

Matthew 26:69-75

Station Four | 

Jesus is Judged by Pontious PIlate

Mark 15:1-5, 15

STATION Five | Jesus is Crowned with Thorns

John 19:1-3

Station Six | 

Jesus Bears the Cross

John 19:6, 15-17


Jesus Meets the Women

Luke 23:27-31

Station Eight | 

Jesus is Crucified

Luke 23:27-31

Station Nine | Jesus Promises His Kingdom to the Repentant Theif

Luke 23:39-43

Station Ten | 

Jesus Speaks to his Mother and the Beloved Disciple

John 19:25-27

Station Eleven | 

Jesus Dies on the Cross

Luke 23:44-46

Station Twelve | Jesus Placed in the Tomb

Matthew 27:57-60

Holy Lord,

You bravely journeyed through the wilderness

on a path marked with suffering

that led you to Golgotha's hill.

It is because you walked that road,

that we know you are here with us on our own.

Help us make our way through our


and wherever that path may take us,

let it always bring us home

to life in you.