Love known

Heritage is a place where people come to know  and experience Christ's abundant love for them and for this world.  Our weekly worship is the heart of our congregation's life where all of our people - the youngest to the oldest - gather together to hear the incredible good news of God's grace and are invited to live their lives in joyful response to it.  At Heritage people find a place where they can truly be known. At Heritage, people find a place where they can truly belong, For here, Christ's love is made real.

Faith Grown

Heritage is a place where people come to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.  We seek to nurture growth in every member of our intergenerational community, for we believe that at all stages of life God continues to move us towards who we have been created to be.  Here, people put down roots of faith which are deepened through worship, study, prayer and service as they grow closer to God and to one another. 

Seed sown

As fruit is born from our lives of faith, we are called to sow the seeds of that harvest in the world.  We do that by reaching out beyond ourselves to share of Christ's love with our neighbors near and far, both through our church's ministries and as we live our daily lives.  We invite people to recognize with gratitude all that God has given, and in response to live lives characterized by generosity and grace.